
Ulrike Grabski-Kieron

University of Münster, Germany

Ulrike Grabski-Kieron, Dr., Professor Emeritus. Professor of Local and Regional Development and Spatial Planning at the Institute of Geography of the University of Münster (Germany). Research interests: applied research on rural areas and rural spatial development, spatial planning, cultural geographical landscapes and land use management. She has long-term international collaborations, especially with French partners. She studied Applied Geography at Ruhr University Bochum (Germany), received her doctorate in 1985, was a research assistant until 1986 and was an executive employee of the state agency for urban and regional development in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany), in the Technical Management Department (1986 - 1996). She was also a member of the ARL - Academy for Territorial Development of the Leibniz Association, Germany. She has served on several advisory boards and committees of the Police Council. Co-editor of the book series “Ländliche Räume: Beiträge zur lokalen und regionalen Entwicklung” (Rural areas: Contributions to local and regional development) (Lit-Verlag, Münster, Germany). Since 2017, she has conducted freelance scientific activities and scientific writing projects.


Michael Woods

Aberystwyth University, United Kingdom

Michael Woods is Professor of Human Geography and Co-Director of the Wales Centre for Politics and Society at Aberystwyth University and Co-Director of the Wales Institute for Social and Economic Research and Data (WISERD). His research interests include globalisation and rural change in the ‘global countryside’, examined through the ERC GLOBAL-RURAL project (2014-19), civil society and polarisation, explored through work packages in the WISERD ESRC Civil Society Research Centre (2014-), and spatial justice, investigated in the Horizon 2020 IMAJINE project (2017-22). These interests come together in a new ERC/UKRI project ‘Rural Spatial Justice’ on rural support for disruptive political movements in the UK, USA and mainland Europe. Michael Woods is a former editor of the Journal of Rural Studies and the author of several books, including ‘Rural’ (Routledge, 2011) and ‘An Introduction to Political Geography’ (Routledge, 2015).

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