For 18 years, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto has been organising the International Seminars on the Overarching Issues of the European Area.

The wide range of sessions presented can be an asset for scientific and pedagogical updating, especially for Geography teachers (420), given the permanent challenges that this subject is constantly facing. The training course is also aimed at teachers in the 200 and 430 groups.

Teachers who attend these sessions will hopefully have enriched their pedagogical perspectives, and thus teach in a way that is more meaningful and motivational for their students.

The Continuing Education Unit at FLUP is responsible for coordinating this training programme and is solely responsible for its administration. The same applies to attendance records, which will take place at various times during the programme, namely in the morning, at lunchtime, at the start and end of the afternoon sessions, as well as during the field trip.


  • To update the scientific and pedagogical knowledge of professionals in order to develop their teaching, research and technical activities based on the principles, methods and techniques of Geographical Science.
  • To encourage the training of professionals for teaching and research, who understand spatial organisation, have intellectual autonomy, and develop a critical awareness of contemporary problems from a geographical perspective.
  • • To train Geography teachers at the interface of teaching, research and pedagogical practice.


- Participation in the sessions;
- Preparation of an individual report on three different presentations attended by the trainee. These can include the plenary session, a round table and two different thematic sessions, or alternatively three different thematic sessions. This report should also include a fourth point related to the field trip, in which the trainee should mention in what context they could apply the thematic development/content of the field trip to a geography lesson and/or a subject programme.


1. Evaluation Criteria

Assessment/grading criteriaWeighting
Attendance and participation     1
Critical reflection/Final report     2

2. Grading scale: from 1 to 10




0- 29

1 a 4,9


30 – 49

5 a 6,4


50- 74

6,5 a 7,9



8 a 8,9

Very good


9 a 10


3. Final classification

The quantitative grading is given on a scale of 1 to 10.
The final assessment will have a qualitative mention (Insufficient; Fair, Good, Very Good and Excellent) and the final grade of the quantitative evaluation.

4. Absences

According to the regulations in force, absences may not exceed 1/3 of the number of contact hours of each action. Therefore, the weight of absences on the grading will be as follows:

No absences - 1 point
Up to 50% of the number of absences allowed - 0.5 (half) point
With more than 50% of the number of absences allowed - 0 (zero) points

5. Number of training hours: 25 hours

6. Critical report with the following structure

Considerations on the 4 themes.
Maximum number of pages: 10 including title page and bibliography.

7. Guidelines for the text

- The text should contain between 15.000 and 20.000 characters (with spaces), maps, tables, photos, bibliography, etc. - Approximately 6 to 10 A4 pages.
- Margins: top 3 cm; bottom, right and left 2.5 cm.

- Other information:

- title of the work: in CAPITALS, bold, Arial font, 12 point;
- indication of the author, institution and e-mail address, in Arial 10 (aligned to the right, after the title).

      • font: Arial 12
      • spacing: 1.5
      • headings: Arial 12, bold
      • subheadings: Arial 11, bold
      • (spacing between headings / subheadings: 2.0)
      • start of paragraph justified (1 cm)
      • maps, images, and photos, etc., must be inserted in the text and accompanied by the corresponding caption.