It is with great enthusiasm that we invite you to submit contributions to the various thematic areas of the XVIII International Seminars on the Overarching Issues of the European Area. This is an opportunity to share your research and expertise with an international community of specialists, practitioners, and policymakers. Join us on this journey, working together to promote strategic solutions to face the enormous challenges of our time and to structure a more sustainable and resilient future. Submit your abstract and be part of this international discussion. We look forward to your contributions and your presence at the conference! The abstracts submitted must be unpublished, well-structured, and appropriate to the topics suggested for discussion at the event. They must be based on original data, of high technical quality, and meet international ethical standards.
Os resumos submetidos devem corresponder a trabalhos que sejam inéditos, bem estruturados e adequados aos tópicos sugeridos para discussão no evento. Neste contexto os resumos submetidos devem apostar em dados originais, alta qualidade técnica e atender aos padrões éticos internacionais.

Authors can choose the medium of presentation:

Oral paper;
Poster presentation;

Date for abstract submission:

a) (2nd call): 30th April 2024.
b) Notification of acceptance of abstracts: 7th May 2024.

Main topics

  1. Society and Culture
  2. Education and Teaching
  3. Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformations in Territories
  4. Tradition, Heritage, and Tourism
  5. Economy and Sustainability
  6. Urban-rural connections
  7. Resilience and transitions in rural areas
  8. Landscape and Ecosystem Management
  9. Climate Change, Environment and Sustainable Development
  10. Vulnerabilities, Risks and Civil Protection
  11. European Security and Defence
  12. Challenges of European Policy and Spatial Planning
  13. Ecosystem Management and Biodiversity Conservation
  14. Circular economy and waste management
  15. Environmental policy and governance
  16. Resource management and conservation
  17. Sustainable agriculture and food systems
  18. Green technologies, energy, and innovation
  19. Social and economic dimensions of sustainability
  20. Population ageing and rural health