Participants at the XVIII International Seminars on the Overarching Issues of the European Area will be able to submit their short abstracts for paper and/or poster presentations (between 200 and 250 words) until 30th April 2024 (second call).

Book of Abstracts

The selected abstracts for paper and/or poster presentations will be included in a Book of Abstracts published by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, with ISBN and DOI.

MDPI Journal Proceedings

The authors of the best selected abstracts will be invited to submit their extended abstract (1 to 4 pages) by 7th May 2024, for publication in the MDPI Journal Proceedings. The template for this extended abstract is available on the Conference website.  

The submitted text must be original, unpublished, written in English and sent to by 15th June 2024. All texts will be subject to peer review.

Authors can consult the publisher’s website for more detailed instructions:

If the abstracts do not comply with these guidelines, they will not be included in the abovementioned publication.

If you have any difficulties submitting your abstract, please contact the Secretariat at the following email address:

Instructions for Authors

“Cadernos de Geografia” Journal

Participants can also submit their papers to the ‘Cadernos de Geografia’ journal published by the Department of Geography and Tourism of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. In accordance with the journal’s publication rules, articles must be unpublished and written in Portuguese, English, French or Spanish on topics in the fields of Geography, Tourism, the Social Sciences and Earth Sciences or other scientific areas considered central to spatial analysis and of interest to regional planning.
This journal is indexed in Web of Science, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Latindex, ERIHPLUS, EBSCO, MIAR, DIALNET, REDIB and SHERPA/ROMEO.
Articles are subject to blind peer review.

Each article must not exceed 50,000 characters (including spaces) and must include an abstract and keywords in two languages, as well as figures, tables, and bibliography. Articles must follow the journal’s publication guidelines, available at and be submitted on the Cadernos de Geografia Journal website.

As usual, once the best articles have been selected, the authors are invited to submit their texts for the Special ‘Possible Paths to a Resilient Territory’, published by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, with ISBN and DOI.

This is indexed in Google Scholar, UP Repository, RCAAP, DRIVER and BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine).

The articles must be original, unpublished, and no more than 25,000 to 35,000 characters long (including spaces). This number should include an abstract in two languages (1500 and 2500 characters, with spaces), 3 to 5 keywords, tables, figures, and bibliographical references. For more information, please consult the template available on the website.

Para mais informações, ver por favor consulte o template disponibilizado no site.

Edição Especial na Land

Special Issue in Land

Associated with the XVIII International Conference on Major Issues in Europe, a particular volume by Land (MDPI) entitledBuilding Resilient and Sustainable Territories”.

This special edition aims to disseminate studies that analyse aspects associated with territorial resilience and sustainability, in addition to detailing strategic regional development scenarios and adaptation paths to climate change. It also accepts analyses that focus on public landscape planning policies, or those associated with changes in land use and their consequences, in addition to identifying critical factors connected to the sustainability of territories, particularly in the tourism sector.

We therefore await contributions from scientists, specialists and professionals in Geography, Economy, Environmental and social challenges, Tourism, Rural and urban Landscape Planning, Management and Changes in Land Use or Climate Change, among other topics.

The submission link is as follows: