Conference Fee Until 14/05/2024 After 15/04/2024
Participation without paper    
Participation without paper but with visit 80 90
Participation without paper and without visit 30 40
Participation with paper    
Participation with paper and visit 100 120
Participation with paper and without visit 50 70
Participation with online paper (to be confirmed) 45 60
Participation with paper (PhD students)    
Participation with paper and visit 60 80
Participation with paper and without visit 40 60
Participation other students    
With visit 20 35
Without visit 15 30
Participation with CCPFC Credit (Groups: 200, 420 and 430)    
Participation without paper but with visit 80 90
Participation of CEGOT Members    
With or without paper 0 0
With or without paper, but with visit 40 60
Conference Dinner    
Conference Dinner 35 40
*All prices include coffee breaks