Participants in the XVIII International Seminars on the Overarching Issues of the European Area can submit their short abstracts for oral papers and/or poster presentations (approximately 200 to 250 words, not including references) by 30th April 2024.

Guidelines: All abstracts submitted must take into account the following guidelines:

  1. The abstract must have a maximum length of 250 words;
  2. The abstract must include: title; identification and affiliation of the author(s); email; introduction, aims and methodology; results and their discussion; conclusions; three to five keywords.
  3. The abstract submitted must be written in Portuguese or English.
  4. Submissions must be made by clicking on ‘Submit abstract’ on the appropriate form.

Accepted abstracts will be published in a Book of Abstracts edited by the University of Porto, with ISBN and DOI.

Procedure for submitting abstracts:

Abstracts are submitted online, via the website of the XVIII Seminars on Overarching Issues of the European Area using the ‘Abstract Submission’ function.

Authors will be directed to a form where they must fill in all the details and submit the template in Word format.

The file name should indicate the first author’s name and surname (example: John_Smith). If the first author submits more than one abstract, they must indicate the number (example: John_Smith_1).
The abstracts will be assessed based on their scientific quality and their suitability for the topics proposed for the conference. The authors will be notified by 7th May 2024 of the acceptance of their abstract. Papers will be accepted after a peer review process carried out by at least two members of the Scientific Committee.

Subsequently, participants with the best accepted short abstracts will be invited to submit their extended abstract (1 to 4 pages) by 15th June 2024, to be published in the MDPI Journal Proceedings. The template for this extended abstract is available on the conference website. Authors can consult the publisher's website for more detailed instructions:

In all circumstances, the extended abstract must be in English.

Note: The document submitted must be original and unpublished. If it does not comply with this rule, the abstract will not be included in the book of abstracts.
If you have any difficulties submitting your abstract, please contact the Secretariat at the following email address: