Construindo Comunidades Resilientes: Qual é o papel da proteção civil?”

Description: The “Building Resilient Communities: What is the Role of Civil Protection?” policy session explores the critical role of civil protection agencies and their contributions to the resilience of communities in the face of disasters, crises and emergencies. The session will shed light on how effective civil protection can mitigate risks, improve emergency preparedness, and ensure a rapid and efficient response to incidents, investigating strategies, policies and real-world examples. The discussion is timely and relevant, given the increasing frequency and intensity of natural and man-made disasters worldwide. Participants can expect a comprehensive analysis of current challenges and innovative solutions in the field of civil protection, fostering a deeper understanding of its fundamental role in safeguarding communities and promoting sustainable resilience.

Organisers: Diogo Miguel Pinto (FLUP, CEGOT) / João Pedro Barreiros (FLUP/ESAC)

Moderator: Professor Domingos Xavier Viegas, University of Coimbra


  • José Luís Carneiro (Minister of Internal Administration, XXIII Constitutional Government of Portugal)
  • Duarte Costa (President, National Authority for Emergency and Civil Protection, Portugal)
  • Tiago Oliveira (President, Agency for Integrated Management of Rural Fires , Portugal)
  • Marta Arbinolo (OECD, France)
  • Andreia Rodrigues (ISCIA, University of Coimbra)