Publication Guidelines

1. Book of Abstracts
As usual, a Book of Abstracts will be published, available digitally (in PDF format), which will include all the short abstracts of the accepted papers (after registration). This book will have an ISBN and DOI and will be published by the University of Porto.
The book of Abstracts in printed format will no longer be made available to participants for sustainability reasons, but it can be easily accessed online at the time of registration, via QR Code, as well as on the Conference website. Poster abstracts will also be included in this Book of Abstracts.
You can find further guidelines in the Submissions section.

2. Extended Abstracts
After acceptance, authors are invited to publish their extended abstracts in a special volume dedicated to the conference. These abstracts will be published in the MDPI Proceedings (ISSN: 2504-3900). This publication will be open access, available online and citable and will not incur extra charges for authors.
You can find further guidelines in the Submissions section.

Special Editions

As an international conference, the organisation is aware of the importance of a robust publication strategy, which is why we are working on a number of special publications which will be made available to our participants. If you are interested in submitting an improved and complete version of your research, you can contact the editors directly after the conference has finished.

As usual, once the best papers have been selected, authors are invited to submit their article to the Special published by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto, with ISBN and DOI. This is indexed in Google Scholar, the UP Repository, RCAAP, DRIVER and BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine). Papers are subject to peer review.

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