Railways in the Territory: From Historical Significance to Future Mobility

Description: This round table aims to explore the critical role of railways in structuring territories, from their historical importance to their potential in shaping future mobility landscapes. The round table brings together experts from different areas to discuss how railways have influenced the development of regions and societies over time and discuss the future of mobility in the low-density regions. The discussion will explore strategies to optimize rail systems to meet the evolving needs of communities and contribute to sustainable and inclusive mobility solutions for the future.

Moderator: Luís Almeida, Douro Valley Association

Panel line-up:

  • Alberto ArosoCoordenador do Novo Movimento pelo Interior da ACEC
  • María Teresa Rebollo Alonso, Polytechnic University of Madrid
  • Ana Luísa Pinheiro Lomelino Velosa, University of Aveiro

Venue: Anfiteatro 2 – Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. Via Panorâmica, s/n 4150-564 Porto, Portugal


Portugal and Tourism in the 21st Century: Emerging Transitions to Sustainable Development

Description: The round table on “Portugal and Tourism in the 21st Century: Emerging Transitions to Sustainable Development” promises an insightful exploration of the evolving landscape of tourism in Portugal. This session aims to explore the challenges and opportunities facing the tourism sector as it embraces sustainability in the 21st century. This is the perfect setting for a meeting of minds dedicated to shaping the future of sustainable tourism in Portugal. Participants can expect a thought-provoking session that highlights the importance of sustainable tourism practices and explores innovative strategies for implementing these practices in the Portuguese context.

Panel line-up:

  • Sérgio Barroso, Centre for Urban and Regional Studies and Development, Lda.
  • Hélder Lopes, University of Minho
  • Marta Nestor, Faculty of Design, Technology and Communication, European University of Lisbon

Moderator: André Samora Arvela, ISCTE

Venue: Anfiteatro 2 – Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto. Via Panorâmica, s/n 4150-564 Porto, Portugal